USDA crop progress report: U.S. corn planting at 9%

USDA crop progress and condition report has winter wheat condition unchanged at 42% good/excellent, Kansas slips
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Corn planting advanced to 9% as of Sunday, a little less than what many in the trade had expected, but progress in the top states of Iowa and Illinois advanced, with Iowa on par with the five-year average, the USDA crop progress and condition report said Monday.
The winter wheat USDA crop condition rating was unchanged at 42% good/excellent, while the Kansas rating dropped to 26% good to excellent from 28% a week earlier.
Spring wheat planting advanced to 36%, up from 9% a year ago and the 19% five-year average, the USDA crop progress report said. Top producer North Dakota was 22%, well ahead of a year ago and the 9% five-year average.
Corn planting at 9% was ahead of last year’s 6% but behind the 13% average. Iowa’s 7% was ahead 2% a year ago and matched the average, while Illinois at 15% was ahead of last year’s 4% and behind the 21% average.
Topsoil moisture was plentiful in the Midwest and Southeast and much improved in the central and southern Plains wheat states. Iowa was 86% adequate to surplus, Illinois 92%, while Kansas jumped to 58% from 44%, Nebraska went to 68% from 53%, Oklahoma to 61% from 42% and Texas to 66% from 65%. North Dakota, where spring wheat is being planted, registered 63% adequate to surplus topsoil moisture.
The decline in the Kansas wheat condition was attributed to last week’s rain largely missing dry southwestern areas of the state. Texas wheat was 50% headed, well ahead of last year’s 31% and average of 36%
Sorghum was 19% planted, which trailed 23% a year ago and the 22% average. Cotton was 8% planted, which trailed last year’s 9% and the average’s 11%.
Next week, USDA will issue the first 2015 soybean planting report.
Source: FarmFutures

Mirá También

Así lo expresó Domingo Possetto, secretario de la seccional Rafaela, quien además, afirmó que a los productores «habitualmente los ignoran los gobiernos». Además, reconoció la labor de los empresarios de las firmas locales y aseguró que están «esperanzados» con la negociación entre SanCor y Adecoagro.

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