US dairy exports to grow by $500m

US dairy continues to puff out its chest on the global export market and 2017 will be no different according new figures from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). By Patrick Donohoe
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Erin Bay says he has been cast out by his parents Stuart and Beth Bay after he left the Open Brethren church to become a Catholic.
He says his parents approached an Auckland psychiatrist without his knowledge on October 26, claiming their son was spiralling out of control.
The psychiatrist provided them with a letter to Bay urging him to seek medical attention, and even though he hadn’t seen Bay for seven years, suggested he was suffering from bipolar disorder.
«Your family are currently very concerned about you, and from what I have understood, it is highly likely that you are again having another active episode of bipolar disorder,» the psychiatrist wrote in the letter.
The letter did not detail the concerns expressed to him by Bay’s parents. It was addressed to Bay care of his parents’ address. The psychiatrist made it clear his opinion was based on Bay’s clinical presentation and history in 2008 and 2009, as well as what he had been told by Bay’s parents.
The letter urged Bay to seek medical advice and recommended he see a psychiatrist for an evaluation and recommendations.
According to the USDA, exports of dairy products will exceed €5bn in 2017. This comes despite the uncertainty president-elect Donald Trump has created surrounding trade deals and trading with other countries.
“Dairy is increased by $500m (€473m) to $5.3bn (€5bn) as key milk-producing countries reduce milk output, leading to higher global prices, and US exports are expected to expand,” the USDA’s Outlook for US Agricultural Trade reports.
“The election of Donald Trump as US president has introduced an element of uncertainty as the emphasis of the next administration’s economic policy agenda is unknown,” it said.
This is especially prevalent given that Mexico and Canada form two of the top three destinations for US food exports. The two nations buy almost $40bn (€37bn) of food from the US.
On the flip side, the USDA expects imports of dairy produce to rise by $200m (€189m) next year. Kerrygold is the number one imported butter brand in the US.
Total food exports
Dairy will drive overall food exports for the US next year. The USDA is forecasting a $1bn (€946m) increase in total food exports to $134bn (€126bn) for the fiscal year 2017.
Grain and feed exports are expected to increase by $300m (€284m) driven primarily by strong wheat volumes.
Source: FarmersJournal

Mirá También

Así lo expresó Domingo Possetto, secretario de la seccional Rafaela, quien además, afirmó que a los productores «habitualmente los ignoran los gobiernos». Además, reconoció la labor de los empresarios de las firmas locales y aseguró que están «esperanzados» con la negociación entre SanCor y Adecoagro.

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