Unpasteurized milk farm co-op argues they're not bound by Milk Act

The farm co-op at the centre of a controversy over unpasteurized milk is finally defending itself in court.
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Elisa Van Der Hout, a representative for Agri-Cultural Renewal Co-Operative, argued in a Newmarket courtroom on Wednesday that they haven’t violated the Milk Act.
“Our main argument is the Milk Act is not enforceable for us because we do not market milk to the general public,” she says.
Lawyers for York Region and the province have argued the Grey County co-op is not licenced and contravenes the Milk Act. They’re seeking injunctions that would prevent the co-op from producing raw milk and sharing it.
This hearing was scheduled for two days but has taken much longer than expected.
Proceedings will now continue on Monday.

Source: CTV Barrie
Link: http://barrie.ctvnews.ca/unpasteurized-milk-farm-co-op-argues-they-re-not-bound-by-milk-act-1.3438022

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