Total Livestock Genetics aims to lift Australian dairy heifers reputation in Asia

DAIRY farmers could be earning premiums for export heifers if a bold program by one company comes off. By FIONA MYERS.
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Dr Ashworth said Australia’s reputation for the merit of its breeding was not as high as it could be.
“It could be that the prices being offered do not attract the right quality of heifer, or that preparation for very high milk production is extremely challenging” he said.
“But if we can achieve both, then I think it is possible to ­attract premiums.
“The average Holstein in Australia is a very good animal but it does not always have that reputation in Asia.”
Dr Ashworth has been ­involved in shipments to Asian countries and said it was possible to change a customer’s perception.
“We (in Australia) essentially use the same genetics as the US, but the US heifers are considered higher quality,” he said.
He quoted one customer who had previously been convinced the heifers from the US were superior.
“We sent some heifers and they were able to do 1300 litres more than their own heifers bred to US sires, because they were ideally prepared,” Dr Ashworth said.
“The customers we are dealing with in Asia are very modern, very efficient and very focused on outcomes and animal welfare.
“We are starting to get some traction with these customers based on our ability to ideally prepare these heifers so when they arrive they are able to produce to their maximum ­potential,” he said.
Dr Ashworth believed that the careful management of heifers through the export process would help lift the reputation of the Australians stock’s genetic merit.
“We need to deliver perfectly prepared heifers so they will show that high production when they land in Asia,” he said.
But the quality of genetics was also vital.
“It is hard because breeders do not want to sell their best animals,” he said.
“If we use the productivity of the herd and its parentage, but also the integrity of the breeder, that can help to secure a higher-quality animal.
“Pure-breed cows make more milk and the premium we would have to pay to secure these is not prohibitive.
“It will be a challenge to find the right animal to lift that quality reputation but it is possible.”
Source:  WeeklyTimes

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