#TGD: One of Europe’s best dairy cows graces Balmoral Show

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he Pepper family, from Dromore in Co Down, left last week’s Balmoral Show in high spirits following the tremendous performance of their four year old cow in Ireland’s most prestigious dairy inter breed championship. And to say that Sahara Goldwyn Ambrosia caught the eye of the judge, would be somewhat of an understatement.
“In my opinion she rates as one of the best cows in Europe at the present time,” enthused John Gribben, from Lancashire.

“She has everything: good type and tremendous milking ability.”
And John should know what he talking is about as he is one of the leading classifiers of pedigree dairy cattle in the UK. Ambrosia was born into the Monmouthshire-based Sahara herd. She was purchased by Neil Pepper in 2011 for 5,100 guineas and has developed into a truly elite cow over the past two years. She calved five weeks ago and is currently giving 60 litres of milk per day.
Her victory was greeted with roars of approval from the large gallery that had gathered around the cattle lawn for what is the true highlight of Friday at Balmoral Show. The excellent weather that so characterised at the last day of the show, undoubtedly, added to the attendance figures at what has proven to be a tremendously successful event for the RUAS.
One of the most encouraging aspects of this year’s Balmoral Show was the excellent turnout of cattle. Despite the continuing problems associated with Bovine TB and the movement restrictions this places on affected herds, there was every evidence that pedigree breeders from all parts of Ireland wanted to support the event.
“All of this bodes well for the future,” stressed RUAS chief executive Colin McDonald.
“Balmoral Show is a shop window for the farming industry. Livestock production goes to the very heart of agriculture throughout Ireland. As a society we will do everything possible to attend the ongoing attendance of elite cattle breeders north and south.”
News that Northern Ireland will be classified Brucellosis free within the next year or so will provide further encouragement for cattle breeders in the Republic of Ireland to attend future Balmoral Shows.
Colin McDonald concluded: “We have had a very successful week. Visitor numbers have been tremendous. And, of course, we want to build on all of this for the future.”
Source: Farming Life

Mirá También

Así lo expresó Domingo Possetto, secretario de la seccional Rafaela, quien además, afirmó que a los productores «habitualmente los ignoran los gobiernos». Además, reconoció la labor de los empresarios de las firmas locales y aseguró que están «esperanzados» con la negociación entre SanCor y Adecoagro.

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