You see all sorts when you do the weekly shop. Supermarkets are a great social leveller, a melting pot, where just about everyone, young and old, rich and poor, tall and short, thin and fat, can be spotted. Though not, in general, cows.
In Asda in Stafford on Sunday, however, you’d have encountered a couple of dairy cows strolling down the aisles. This wasn’t the sort of practical joke young farmers enjoy. It was deadly serious, part of the farming industry’s campaign against the rock-bottom prices many of us are receiving for our milk.
As a consciousness-raising exercise, I’d think you could say it was a success: the stunt hit the headlines. It also raised eyebrows and hackles. But a lot of people hope it will raise awareness of issues beyond the price of milk.
The parlous state of British farming is about an awful lot more than whingeing farmers wanting special measures to protect their industry. It’s about more than farming. The critical point we’ve reached, not only in dairy, but sheep farming too, raises fundamental questions about how we eat, shop and spend our leisure time.
The number of dairy farms has decreased by a third in the past decade. Many of the cows have been absorbed into large herds – the zero-grazing, intensive model where the animals are kept inside all year round. Words such as “critical” are often bandied about, but in this case, the writing is on the wall for small traditional dairy farms.
As one of the protesting placards stated at the Asda event, the present supermarket model is unsustainable for those engaged in food production in this country. The fierce battle for market share (and survival) that the supermarkets are fighting against one another means collateral damage and therefore casualties – and sustainable British agriculture is one.
They haven’t always offered the best response to farmers’ concerns either. One supermarket manager said that the farm gate price has nothing to do with them or with what they charge in the shops – £1 for four pints of milk at the moment. This is utterly disingenuous. Meanwhile, Morrisons’ tactic of handing out leaflets threatening all sorts of legal retribution against protesting farmers will probably win no prizes for tact and diplomacy.
Other supermarkets are offering a slightly better response. Some have come out to say that they are paying a fair price of about 30p a litre. Which is fine for farmers who sell direct to the supermarkets, but the many others who sell to co-operatives that act as middlemen can get as little as 18p a litre. Paying a number of farmers well is at the cost of the rest of us. It distorts the market.
The same thing is happening when it comes to sheep farming. Farmers feel the pressure to accept deals that ultimately gives control over prices to the buyer.
While moving to this way of doing business might have looked like a good idea at the outset, ultimately it has led to a crisis in the industry, where the big retailers have forced the price down so far that, when they find British farmers can no longer meet their demands, they simply bring in more New Zealand lamb.
So why should the shopper care about all this if the result is cheaper prices on the shelves?
We have a small dairy farm – my husband likes to refer to acres per cow rather than cows per acre. Neither the land nor the cows are pushed beyond what is sustainable – though we have had a lot of pressure to do so, in order to remain “viable”. We are not alone in this; many others in our area of the Staffordshire Moorlands farm in a similar way.
If farms such as ours can’t afford to keep going, the land will be absorbed into bigger units, and for ease of access and maximisation of profit, bushes, hedges and stone walls will be ripped out. The public footpath that runs through it would disappear. So would the wildlife. An RSPB volunteer came to our farm a few years ago and identified 53 different species of bird here, creatures that come because we farm in a non-intensive way.
We are fortunate enough to still have wildflowers, too, from Devil’s‑bit Scabious to Oxeye daisies and Bird’s‑foot-trefoil. Ours is a scenic part of the country, rugged rather than pretty. From the time of the formation of the Ramblers Association in 1935, people have walked in this area. The appearance of the land and the wildlife is inherent to this.
In a small country that is highly populated in parts, surely it is for the benefit of all that there is still some green and pleasant land to escape to. Fields, meadows and pasture provide protection from flood and habitat for wildlife. Smaller farms enable country life to have a heart and a purpose. Large agri-businesses worry less about the local school or the village fête.
Taking a couple of heifers into a supermarkets may be more symbolic than even the protesters realise. There is a tight line of tension between the model of intensification that suits the needs of retailers and the kind of country many of us want to live in. But farms are – or should be – everyone’s business.
They haven’t always offered the best response to farmers’ concerns either. One supermarket manager said that the farm gate price has nothing to do with them or with what they charge in the shops – £1 for four pints of milk at the moment. This is utterly disingenuous. Meanwhile, Morrisons’ tactic of handing out leaflets threatening all sorts of legal retribution against protesting farmers will probably win no prizes for tact and diplomacy.
Other supermarkets are offering a slightly better response. Some have come out to say that they are paying a fair price of about 30p a litre. Which is fine for farmers who sell direct to the supermarkets, but the many others who sell to co-operatives that act as middlemen can get as little as 18p a litre. Paying a number of farmers well is at the cost of the rest of us. It distorts the market.
The same thing is happening when it comes to sheep farming. Farmers feel the pressure to accept deals that ultimately gives control over prices to the buyer.
While moving to this way of doing business might have looked like a good idea at the outset, ultimately it has led to a crisis in the industry, where the big retailers have forced the price down so far that, when they find British farmers can no longer meet their demands, they simply bring in more New Zealand lamb.
So why should the shopper care about all this if the result is cheaper prices on the shelves?
We have a small dairy farm – my husband likes to refer to acres per cow rather than cows per acre. Neither the land nor the cows are pushed beyond what is sustainable – though we have had a lot of pressure to do so, in order to remain “viable”. We are not alone in this; many others in our area of the Staffordshire Moorlands farm in a similar way.
If farms such as ours can’t afford to keep going, the land will be absorbed into bigger units, and for ease of access and maximisation of profit, bushes, hedges and stone walls will be ripped out. The public footpath that runs through it would disappear. So would the wildlife. An RSPB volunteer came to our farm a few years ago and identified 53 different species of bird here, creatures that come because we farm in a non-intensive way.
We are fortunate enough to still have wildflowers, too, from Devil’s‑bit Scabious to Oxeye daisies and Bird’s‑foot-trefoil. Ours is a scenic part of the country, rugged rather than pretty. From the time of the formation of the Ramblers Association in 1935, people have walked in this area. The appearance of the land and the wildlife is inherent to this.
In a small country that is highly populated in parts, surely it is for the benefit of all that there is still some green and pleasant land to escape to. Fields, meadows and pasture provide protection from flood and habitat for wildlife. Smaller farms enable country life to have a heart and a purpose. Large agri-businesses worry less about the local school or the village fête.
Taking a couple of heifers into a supermarkets may be more symbolic than even the protesters realise. There is a tight line of tension between the model of intensification that suits the needs of retailers and the kind of country many of us want to live in. But farms are – or should be – everyone’s business.
Source: Telegraph