#Dairy Industry Joins Forces to Fight Prostate Cancer

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Several dairy industry companies and groups are excited to launch the Movember Dairy initiative. This inaugural campaign was started through a coalition within the dairy industry that has committed itself to raising awareness of men’s health issues amongst dairy farmers.
Traditionally, November has been globally recognized as Men’s Health Awareness Month, bringing light to health challenges facing a high proportion of males – including cancer, and specifically prostate cancer. Statistically, one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.
With the high potential of all men being challenged with prostate cancer, the U.S. dairy farmer is not spared from these statistics.
«Adding to the concern, dairy farmers have less awareness as to signs and symptoms, likely have less frequent medical examinations and simply are often more focused on the care of their cows and crops than they are of their own health,» says Amy Throndsen, director of international sales for DCC Waterbeds and founding member of Movember Dairy.
To help dairy producers become more aware of their health, a small-but-dedicated coalition within the dairy industry developed the Movember Dairy initiative; a subset of the national organization called Movember USA.
«The goal of this growing coalition is to increase awareness of prostate cancer and build support throughout the dairy industry to help dairy farmers protect themselves with greater education, understanding and action to help keep their health in check,» says Ed Peck, president of Filament Marketing and member of Movember Dairy.
Awareness for prostate cancer and men’s health will be raised by Movember Dairy through a campaign centered around the mustache. The mustache is the universal symbol for Movember USA; bringing a comical and conversation-worthy element to this worthwhile cause. Combining humor and health, Movember Dairy is driving change by growing mustaches, sharing key statistics and encouraging dairy producers to contact their doctors for health screenings.
Producers, companies and industry partners can learn more about men’s health and spread the word about Movember Dairy in several ways, including:
Throw a Movember Dairy party.
A party pack with party favors, information and campaign pieces can be downloaded from http://bit.ly/MovemberDairy.
Join the Movember initiative by growing a mustache to help generate attention and educational opportunities with others. A new mustache is a talking point that can get the conversation on men’s health started. If you currently have facial hair, consider a clean shave and regrowing a mustache.
Spread the word through social media: post photos of your Movember party and mustache growing contests on the Movember Dairy Facebook page and like the page at www.facebook.com/movemberdairy to stay connected.
Donate to the Movember USA campaign which funds prostate cancer research by visiting http://us.movember.com/donate/.
Contact your local doctor for an annual health screening.
For more information on Movember Dairy, contact (608) 819-3628 and/or follow us at www.facebook.com/movemberdairy.
Source: AGDairy

Mirá También

Así lo expresó Domingo Possetto, secretario de la seccional Rafaela, quien además, afirmó que a los productores «habitualmente los ignoran los gobiernos». Además, reconoció la labor de los empresarios de las firmas locales y aseguró que están «esperanzados» con la negociación entre SanCor y Adecoagro.

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