Dairy farmers go on waiting for senate inquiry findings

DAIRY farmers must wait until next month to learn the findings of a Senate inquiry into the industry after a fourth extension was granted. By: KATH SULLIVAN
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The inquiry began in September last year and was expected to report in February.
That deadline was extended until March 30, which was then extended to May 11.
That deadline was then extended until June 29.
But that date passed too, and a final report is now expected on August 10.
“I’m fascinated and interested to see where the inquiry has landed,” United Dairyfarmers of Victoria president Adam Jenkins said.
“If there are some recommendations there, it would be good for industry to have a look.”
The inquiry, by the Senate Economics Committee, held six public hearings across five states.
A spokesman for committee chairman Senator Chris Ketter said the report would be tabled when parliament resumes.
“The report has been written and is in the final stages,” the spokesman said.
Source: The Weekly Times
Link: http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/agribusiness/dairy/dairy-farmers-go-on-waiting-for-senate-inquiry-findings/news-story/321760628a44d663db6a6895ab41775a

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