Arla Foods Ingredients Develops New Yogurt Weight Management Concept

Arla Foods Ingredients has launched a natural solution that makes it easy for dairy companies to tap into the weight management category with products carrying authorised nutrition claims on the label. Nutrilac LowCal is available in two formulations: with whey protein, or with whey protein + prebiotic fiber.
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They are ideal for creating low-fat stirred and drinking yoghurts with a choice of distinct propositions:
• Rich in whey protein and just 36 calories per 100g of product – which qualifies for a “low in calories” label claim
• Rich in whey protein and a minimum of 3g fiber per 100 calories – which qualifies for a “high in fiber” label claim
With the world in the grip of an obesity epidemic, global sales of weight management products reached an estimated US$158 billion in 2014, according to Euromonitor. In the US, 70% of all men aged over 20 are classed as overweight or obese , while one in every four people in China is overweight . The sheer scale of the ‘globesity’ crisis means more and more consumers are taking control of their health and seeking to lose weight, with many as 53% admitting they are on a weight management program (Euromonitor). As a result, weight management is now the second fastest-growing health trend in the food and beverage market globally.
Yoghurts made using Nutrilac LowCal are perfectly in tune with this trend. Whey protein and prebiotic fiber offer great taste, excellent nutrition and high levels of satiety. In addition, while many low-fat yoghurts suffer from poor mouthfeel and a dry texture, with Nutrilac LowCal this isn’t a problem. It produces yoghurts that are deliciously thick and creamy with no need for added starches, which means a clean label is also easier to achieve.
Kasia Kandulski Lindegaard, Marketing & Business Development Manager at Arla Foods Ingredients, said: “Scientific evidence shows that protein and fiber are proven to increase feelings of fullness, which is a key part of any successful weight management program. By incorporating both into a healthy yoghurt, dairy companies can create snacks and meal replacement options that consumers will enjoy integrating into their diets.”
She continued: “In particular, there is major potential in the breakfast category, as the consumption of yoghurt as a healthy breakfast rose by 7% between 2008 and 2014, Euromonitor figures show. But whatever the occasion, Nutrilac LowCal offers a straightforward and profitable option for dairy companies who want to ride the weight management wave by creating products consumers will love.”
Source: Food Ingredients First

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Así lo expresó Domingo Possetto, secretario de la seccional Rafaela, quien además, afirmó que a los productores «habitualmente los ignoran los gobiernos». Además, reconoció la labor de los empresarios de las firmas locales y aseguró que están «esperanzados» con la negociación entre SanCor y Adecoagro.

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