Sprint and Dairy Farmer’s Of America Gear Up For 2018 Accelerator

Applications Open For 2018 Sprint Accelerator With DFA. By: Robert Morris
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Wireless company, Sprint, is preparing for their second startup accelerator with a focus on agricultural technology, and technology that can bolster the economy across middle America.
It’s the 5th year for the Sprint Accelerator based in Kansas City where the company is headquartered. But last year, in an interesting but worthwhile move they repositioned their focus.
The Dairy Farmer’s Of America, the nationally recognized dary farmer’s cooperative, joined Sprint as an accelerator sponsor last year. In that cohort of seven companies, four of them where in agtech, the other three were in digital tech.
Another corporate sponsor familiar to rural America has joined the accelerator as well. CoBank is a cooperative bank the caters to rural customers. Both companies will help Sprint recruit companies in the agtech and food space. Companies applying for the program don’t have to be exclusively dairy but they must have dairy is a primary ingredient or focus.
“Innovation is a core value for DFA, and we are thrilled to continue our support for the 2018 Accelerator program, which will help spur new ideas and innovation for the dairy industry from farm to table,” says Kevin Strathman, senior vice president of finance at Dairy Farmers of America said in a statement. “It’s truly exciting to be on the forefront of new technologies and developments that will help drive our industry forward. Adding CoBank and their wealth of industry insight into the mix will certainly provide additional value for the entrepreneurs.”
DFA will also support the program by connecting startups with mentors, connections and resources.
Startups in the 90 day cohort based program that begins in March will also receive these benefits:
• Targeted, strategic meetings with the corporate partner teams to discuss business development, pilots and potential sponsorships.
• Mentoring from DFA senior members and their networks, as well as from the investor, business development and entrepreneurial communities.
• Business building sessions around product, brand, marketing and entrepreneurship.
• State-of-the-art workspace facilities provided at Sprint Accelerator in Kansas City’s Crossroads Arts District.
Source: Nibletz
Link: http://www.nibletz.com/accelerators/sprint-DFA-Accelerator

Mirá También

Así lo expresó Domingo Possetto, secretario de la seccional Rafaela, quien además, afirmó que a los productores «habitualmente los ignoran los gobiernos». Además, reconoció la labor de los empresarios de las firmas locales y aseguró que están «esperanzados» con la negociación entre SanCor y Adecoagro.

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