Online toolkit creates environmental action plans for #dairy farmers

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Dairy Australia has launched an upgraded Dairy Self-Assessment Tool (DairySAT) making it easier for farmers to identify the most critical environmental management practices for their farms.
The revised version of the tool features new online functionality to help farmers through ten key focus areas. These areas include soils, fertilisers and effluent management so they can gain an overall view of the environmental issues facing their operation. The tool then creates an action plan for farmers to follow.
Dairy Australia’s natural resource management program development manager, Amy Fay, said DairySAT was a great tool for farmers to use to address environmental management issues on their farms. It was first developed in response to a suggestion by a Gippsland dairy farmer.
“DairySAT helps farmers identify any environmental management problems on their farms, benchmark their practices against industry standards and provide them with resources to answer their questions,” Ms Fay said.
“After going through the modules farmers receive an action plan listing practices they need to improve on farm and resources to help them do this,” she said.
“The tool also provides a summary of the good and innovative practices farmers are doing on their own which is equally helpful to understand and communicate.”
Ms Fay said the tool was upgraded to be used in a variety of contexts and reflects current industry best practice and the latest science for natural resource management.
“The new changes mean farmers can work through their modules of choice at their own pace. Farmers can sign in to the new online tool and save and share module results with or without a facilitator.
“This means farmers will also be able to keep records of their natural resource management practices and track their farm’s environmental management progress over time.”
Source: Dynamic Business

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