Nothing 'visionary' about Murray Goulburn's failed strategy

It's hard to fathom some of the forgiving commentary about the meltdown of Murray Goulburn on the watch of its exuberant CEO Gary Helou.
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MG chairman Philip Tracy said that «history would judge Gary as a visionary leader». Another commentator claimed Helou just «tried to do too much too quickly and in the face of every headwind imaginable,» that the partial public float was «the right strategy at the wrong time» and that his multi-faceted strategy was «well planned and executed until the market turned against him.»
Huh?! Yes, Helou took the reins of an old fashioned farmers’ co-op too heavily weighted toward the bulk commodity trade. And theoretically, offsetting its exposure to global powder prices by growing its value-added product mix was a sound direction. But that’s about as much as MG ever got right.
To get Devondale brands shelf space, Helou signed up to supply Coles with a decade of cheap private label drinking milk. To produce those kind of volumes, it had to build two new plants, which (in effect) it borrowed the $140 million to build. And even with the manufacturing efficiencies gained, the profit margin on the Coles deal is non-existent.

Worse still, Devondale was a branding flop, and never sold well in stores. Coles flogged it as low as 75¢ per litre (less than its private label) because this new production capacity had created massive oversupply in Victoria and NSW.
The IPO was supposed to clear debt, in effect giving away equity to pay it down – a balance sheet trick. But to get the deal done, Helou and his bankers had to promise farmers $6 per kilogram and unitholders 7.5 per cent yield on their notes, neither of which were logical given global prices. So within months, the debt and inventory piled back up again.
Helou’s last chance was to sell an unrealistic volume of Devondale powder in China at unrealistic yield, right as that segment’s bubble burst.
So did Helou really just run out of time? No. He borrowed money to pay for a domestic value-added strategy whose economics never added up. And to keep the show on the road, he just kept tapping more debt and equity. That’s not the clock, it’s the calculator. And there’s nothing visionary about it.
No wonder SunRice is now «delaying» its own hybrid notes (structured near-identically to MG’s and thunk up by the same Macquarie bankers).
Sadly, this downgrade wasn’t just a downgrade. MG farmers are now on the bones of their arse and chairman Tracy’s Orwellian «milk supply support package» is actually a revenue claw-back, with interest! This all happened on Tracy’s watch, so I’ll have a cow if he’s around much longer.
Source: Financial Review

Mirá También

Así lo expresó Domingo Possetto, secretario de la seccional Rafaela, quien además, afirmó que a los productores «habitualmente los ignoran los gobiernos». Además, reconoció la labor de los empresarios de las firmas locales y aseguró que están «esperanzados» con la negociación entre SanCor y Adecoagro.

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