UK – First Milk has announced that it is increasing both liquid and balancing pool standard litre prices. The liquid pool price will increase by 2.6 pence per litre (ppl) and the balancing pool price by 1.25ppl.
These increases will take place in stages due to increasing returns from the market being staggered over October and November. The liquid pool price will increase on 1 October by 1ppl and another 1.6ppl on 1 November. The balancing price will increase by 0.5ppl and 0.75ppl on 1 October and 1 November respectively. This will mean that First Milk’s liquid pool standard litre price will be 28.65ppl from 1 November and the balancing pool standard litre price will be 27.35ppl.
The company will also pay out a three per cent return on member’s capital account balances in October as a result of a solid trading performance in the first six months to March 2012.
Source: The Dairy Site