ROEL everyone!
Records Operations Dairy Exports (ROEL) of Argentina have already begun to be required for all products of dairy chain – until last week, that requirement was made ​​only for exports of milk powder -, as astonished all producers and exporters in the industry. Great was the surprise of a businessman sweet milk when loading destined for South Korea was stopped at customs by the lack of your documents (ROEL).
The ROEL were created by Resolution No. 61/2007 of the Ministry of Economy and Production of Argentina, which created the so-called «Program Stabilization of Prices of Milk Products Sector Intended for Internal Market». Concurrently with this plan, the National Agricultural Trade Control (ONCCA) programmed ROEL, requiring obligatorily these new documents to all producers and exporters that operate in this market milk.
Subsequently, by resolution ONCCA No. 6686/2009, approved the procedure for the Register of Export Operations, called ROE WHITE, should exporters presenting with character Affidavit Form Solicitation ROE White as a requirement for exports of goods understood by the system.
Until last week, the ROE Whites were only required for exports of milk powder, but this week, the rule was extended to the entire dairy chain, without being made ​​a formal notice and by the Ministry of Agriculture Argentina.
The reasons were motives for this new resolution has not been confirmed. But there are rumors in the business who say that the main reason is a kind of retaliation for the large increase of dairy products in the Argentine domestic market.
Source: Lechería Latina - Translate: Leticia Jorge for